Our Committees
General Assembly
General Assemblies (GAs) are the committees which most closely resemble actual UN committee structure at YMUN Latin America. This year's GAs cover a broad range of real-world topics, requiring delegates to conduct thorough research, advocate for their ideas, and work effectively with many other delegates.
Director: Annie Gu
Assistant Directors: Maria Renee Lamoyi & Pablo Miñano
Topic 1: Foreign Influence/Investment in Latin America
Latin America has been the center of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and international political influence due to its strategic importance. As a region with rich natural resources and economic potential, it stands as a region of high contention. Through gifts of financial or technological aid, Latin American nations can increase productivity and innovation. The financial assistance of other nations, however, can come at the price of diluting local identity, unsafe working conditions, and growing demands for political adherence from lending bodies. International political influence is no stranger to Latin America, causing turmoil and political instability for local peoples at the gain of foreign nations. International intervention in Latin American politics has been highly prevalent since the Cold War. Delegates must work to balance the presence, profit, and intentions of foreign nations in Latin America while examining the unique and delicate intricacies involved within the region.
Topic 2: Venezuelan Election Crisis
On July 28th, 2024, Venezuelans would take to the polls on electing their next president. The reelection of Nicolás Maduro would erupt chaos in the nation over their disbelief. News outlets and local sources displayed evidence to support the opposition candidate Edmundo González’s victory by a wide margin, but Maduro has not ceded power. Protests have ignited throughout the nation calling for the rightful rule of González. These uprisings have been met with political crackdowns and the forceful silencing of González supporters. Maduro’s victory has been met with great criticism yet also acceptance from various nations. Delegates should discuss possible solutions towards de-escalating the political tensions in Venezuela while also evaluating the notions of fair and free elections.
Director: Sophia Brentlinger
Assistant Directors: Rubén Alcántar Rivera & Roberta Arenas Treviño
Topic 1: Space Without War
As expansion into outer space has grained traction since the Cold War era, it demands the utmost attention in responsible exploration of it. The exploration of outer space comes with ethical/morals concerns with its high-risk nature, but its high potential of rewards for humanity also stand as a persuasive point for space enthusiasts. With outer space not being subject to national claims of sovereignty or occupation nations must navigate the peaceful usage of space. As technology continues to innovate, delegates must formulate lasting solutions towards balancing the multifaceted nature of this environment. How can national entities navigate exploration, responsible resource allocation, and avoiding political conflict?
Topic 2: Artificial and Cyber Weapons
Recent advancements of artificial intelligence and cyber warfare techniques have brought on new challenges for the digital world. As global societies grow increasingly reliant on the Internet for daily operations, it increases the impact of cyber crimes. As fraud, hacking, and digital leaks continue to plague individuals globally, their development and damage only continue to grow. Cyber warfare and weapons are tools that have uprooted livelihoods, and the rise of artificial intelligence has only furthered the social impact and increased the pace of victims being affected. Delegates urgently need to discuss methods of creating actionable and impactful resolutions for these highly impactful, yet largely unregulated digital weapons.
Director: Suren Clark
Assistant Directors: Eugenia Meneses Camacho & Elian Guerrero
Topic 1: Economic Support for Parents in Underdeveloped Countries
Throughout recent years, the costs of living and raising children in developed countries have dominated the headlines, provoking significant legislation and efforts by bodies across the world. Frequently underserved and under-addressed are the issues faced in underdeveloped countries, where limited access to healthcare leads to exorbitant medical costs, education is often a trade-off between quality and price, and children are sent to work from a young age to support their struggling families. Already living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, parents of these large families have unbelievable economic burdens only exacerbated by inflation and other rising costs. Alongside economic institutions, UNICEF should formulate a dual approach to support parents and lessen costs without creating economic downturns. In the midst of significant political shifts against foreign aid, how can delegates create actionable policies with lasting effects?
Topic 2: Impact of Climate Change on Children
Despite having multifaceted impacts, climate change is typically viewed from a narrow lens. Largely ignored are the effects on children and families, which change the trajectory of lives, chiefly in lower-income countries. Rising temperatures, wildfires, and air pollution are all leading to respiratory issues like asthma as infectious diseases like malaria and dengue fever expand their geographical reach. With extreme weather events becoming more common, education is more frequently interrupted and families are displaced. Most importantly, the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly food security and clean water, move farther from realization with increased flooding, droughts, and changing agricultural seasons. Delegates should consider numerous perspectives within their nation and beyond to evaluate how the impact of climate change on children will only make the cumulative impact of this crisis worse.
Director: Sophia Li
Assistant Directors: Maria Jose Lagunas & Camila Diaz
Topic 1: Economic Incentives for a Green Transition
As the world faces the impacts of climate change, there has been a global push towards having a greener development. The transition to becoming greener requires many demands like renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and environmentally friendly industries which could be costly to many countries. Delegates should consider the efficacy and history of economic incentives, such as green bonds, micro-credit, or partnerships with international organizations, can help countries financially sustain those transitions. This committee aims to discover areas where countries can manage their environmental risks, taking opportunities that bring benefits with accountability. Delegates must work to craft solutions that balance economic growth with environmental responsibility, ensuring the social well-being of its citizens.
Topic 2: Preparations for the Global Debt Crisis
As public debt rises, it poses considerable challenges to economic stability and development for the entire globe; this debt is disproportionally held by developing nationst. Economic shocks in a country can have spillover effects on other countries, exacerbating poverty, affecting trade, and increasing vulnerability. This topic will focus on how the various countries can address rising debt levels while supporting sustainable economic recovery and growth through restructuring the global financing system. Delegates will be able to explore the dynamics of various countries in the world order and design strategies for debt relief, restructuring, and long-term solutions for economic stability.
Economic and Social Councils
Economic and Social Councils (ECOSOCs) are committees that offer a slightly more specific lens on a global problem in comparison to GAs. YMUN Latin America will feature several of these committees representing a broad range of economic and social topics, where delegates will advocate for their own nation while collaborating to resolve issues of global importance. The conference will also have a regional committee, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which will focus on Latin American issues.
Directora: Zitlali Garcia-Mondragon
Directores Adjuntos: Leonardo Garza Roldán & Regina Espínola Limón
Tema 1: Enfrentando Desigualdades Alimentarias
En las últimas décadas, la calidad nutricional de muchos alimentos básicos ha disminuido significativamente en diversas regiones del mundo. Este fenómeno está impulsado por factores como el cambio climático y las transformaciones en los métodos agrícolas, las cuales han priorizado la cantidad sobre la calidad. Además, una gran parte de la población carece de los recursos necesarios para acceder a alimentos nutritivos, exacerbando las desigualdades alimentarias y elevando las tasas de malnutrición. Este tema invita a los delegados a abordar las múltiples dimensiones de la malnutrición, incluyendo, pero no limitándose a, la pobreza global, la falta de educación sobre nutrición y las prácticas agrícolas que comprometen la salubridad de los alimentos. Los delegados deberán explorar e identificar soluciones que reduzcan los niveles de malnutrición, promoviendo métodos agrícolas ecoamigables que mejoren la calidad de los alimentos sin sacrificar su accesibilidad para las comunidades de bajos ingresos. El objetivo será trazar un camino hacia un futuro en el que todos tengan acceso a una nutrición adecuada y sostenible.
Tema 2: Preparando para el desplazamiento climático
Últimamente, el cambio climático se ha convertido en un desafío complejo y alarmante para el desarrollo poblacional, ya que ha provocado un aumento significativo en el desplazamiento humano. Desastres naturales como inundaciones, terremotos e incendios forestales están devastando comunidades enteras, forzando a miles de personas a migrar. Estas migraciones masivas están ejerciendo una presión creciente sobre zonas urbanas que ya enfrentan la escasez de viviendas, alimentos y otros recursos esenciales para atender a una población en constante aumento. Este tema se centrará en el impacto del cambio climático sobre las dinámicas poblacionales, prestando especial atención tanto a las comunidades desplazadas como a las regiones urbanas receptoras. Los delegados deberán evaluar los desafíos específicos que enfrenta su nación, identificar a las poblaciones más vulnerables, y analizar cómo los desplazamientos climáticos están reconfigurando los patrones de urbanización y desarrollo.
Director: Gabriella Tejada
Assistant Directors: Ana Caroline Oliveira dos Santos & Leonardo Flores Osnaya
Topic 1: Protecting Indigenous Cultures and Rights against Extractive Industries
The colonization of Indigenous territories left a lingering struggle between Indigenous autonomy and industrial interests. While some local Indigenous groups have collaborated to fight for better conditions, industry interests threaten Indigenous communities. Extractive industries involve the extraction of natural resources. Desired commodities include oil, metals, wood, and cash crops. These processes occupy large amounts of land and largely deplete the land of its resources. . High demand for these resources prompted extractive industries to intrude on Indigenous land without the consent of Indigenous people worldwide, displacing Indigenous peoples out of their historical lands. Many extractive processes are also environmentally harmful, exacerbating Indigenous displacement. Invasive corporations destroy Indigenous cultures by disregarding the ethnic significance of land and disrupting their community practices. In this committee, delegates will consider harmful practices of extractive industries and collaborate to develop solutions that advance Indigenous rights and preserve cultural autonomy.
Topic 2: Promoting Health Equity in Manufacturing Cities
Globalization led to increased demand for manufacturing output. Nations have responded to increased demand for goods by transforming cities’ infrastructure, leading to the rise of manufacturing cities. Manufacturing cities have a large industrial workforce and an economy rooted in factorial output. While these cities are hubs for citizen employment and economic opportunities, citizens face health disparities. Improper waste management and factorial pollution strain surrounding sediment, water, and air. These circumstances are linked to poor health outcomes, including respiratory and occupational-related cancers. Manufacturing cities are also very congested, which decreases citizens’ quality of life by increasing stress levels. Manufacturing cities often have large immigrant, minority, and low-income populations, further increasing health inequities. Delegates should develop solutions to improve health outcomes for all citizens while balancing economic development.
Director: Yoselin Colin
Assistant Directors: Alexa Gutierrez Arreola & Maria Eduarda de Lima Bastos
Topic 1: Gender-Based Violence
Globally, one in three women is affected by gender-based violence in their lifetime. In Latin America, however, the crisis is particularly severe, with disproportionately high rates of femicide, intimate partner violence, and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals. As a result of widespread impunity, systemic inequalities, and deeply ingrained patriarchal norms, perpetrators are rarely held accountable, leaving victims without justice or protection. The crisis is further exacerbated by institutional shortcomings such as inadequately supported prevention initiatives and weak legal frameworks. The international community must take decisive steps to combat gender-based violence, tackling harmful societal norms, legal protections, and survivor-centered resources to reduce the prevalence of gender-based violence.
Topic 2: Combatting Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
Millions of people are exploited annually by the complex system of human trafficking in Latin America, primarily through sexual exploitation and forced labor. A confluence of social, economic, and political factors, such as poverty, socioeconomic inequality, political instability, and corruption, has caused the region to be vulnerable and provides an environment conducive to exploitation. The impact of transnational criminal networks and the absence of robust legal frameworks or international collaboration to prosecute these crimes further exacerbate structural issues. Delegates must address the root causes of human trafficking and forced labor in Latin America, all while developing comprehensive strategies that prioritize survivor-centered rehabilitation, improve cross-border cooperation, and strengthen enforcement procedures to break the cycle of exploitation. Solutions should concentrate on both immediate interventions and long-term structural improvements to tackle this form of “modern slavery” effectively.
Director: Deewa Rahim
Assistant Directors: Gabriela Durán & Ana Julia Sanchez
Topic 1: Digital Inequality in Latin America
The rapid growth of AI use is reshaping the landscape of democratic processes. The future of democracies now faces a new challenge, AI misinformation. With the ability to create fake news and images, it is now difficult to distinguish reality from fiction. Anywhere from campaigns to wars, people now have easily accessible resources to spread false propaganda. This misinformation confuses voters and breeds distrust in democratic institutions, creating a political landscape more susceptible to instability. This topic will focus on protecting free speech while regulating techniques that spread misinformation. This digital age requires transparent policies on behalf of democracies that protect against the malicious use of AI while ensuring freedoms stay intact.
Topic 2: AI Misinformation
In today’s increasingly interconnected world, lacking access to technology exacerbates existing socioeconomic disparities. Slow or nonexistent internet access, the economic barrier to accessing tech, and limited digital education in underserved communities leave these marginalized communities behind. This digital divide widens gaps in civic participation, education, employment opportunities, and healthcare access. In response, there is a growing need to fund and implement inclusive digital policies and increase access to tech. The goal of this committee is to develop ideas to bridge the digital divide and promote equitable participation in the global digital market. Delegates will have to consider the global implications of their proposals and grapple with digital access being a fundamental right, not a privilege.
Specialized and Crisis Committees
Specialized and crisis committees provide students with the opportunity to discuss topics in an engaging, imaginative, spontaneous, and intellectually-stimulating atmosphere. Their distinct topics lead to very lively debates, which encourage delegates to react quickly and engage deeply with the topics being discussed. The committees cover a wide range of time periods and regions, and might include both hypothetical and real-life topics.
Director: Ayden Lee
Assistant Directors: Tomás Adrián Reátegui Espejo, Natália de Paula Oliveira, & Elena Ramírez Sandoval
Topic 1: Rebuilding After Disaster
The year is 2035. A series of devastating manmade fires has ravaged the Amazon rainforest, destroying millions of hectares of forest, endangering thousands of endemic species, and displacing indigenous communities. The catastrophe has pushed the region closer to what scientists deem the “point of no return,” accelerating climate change and disrupting global weather patterns. Delegates must craft a recovery plan that balances the urgent need for environmental conservation with conflicting agendas: international governing bodies pushing for strict environmental protections, global corporations scrambling to recover after damage to the agriculture, mining, and logging industries, and indigenous groups fighting for sovereignty and the protection of ancestral lands. How can Latin America rebuild the Amazon rainforest while addressing these competing interests, safeguarding biodiversity, and ensuring a sustainable future for the region?
Topic 2: Climate Refugees and Regional Stability
The fires have displaced tens of thousands of indigenous families, cutting off access to the resources they need for survival and forcing them into emergency shelters and overcrowded urban areas. A humanitarian crisis is afoot, with neighboring nations struggling to manage an influx of climate refugees and escalating tensions over resource distribution and land use. The deforested land has also created a power vacuum, with illegal mining operations seizing the opportunity to expand their influence. Delegates must navigate the delicate balance between providing humanitarian aid, addressing long-standing inequalities faced by indigenous communities, and developing policies to prevent further environmental destruction. Will the region come together to restore stability and equity, or will the crisis deepen divisions and create new conflicts in Latin America?
Director: Elizabeth Steeves
Assistant Directors: Andrea Jurado Pérez & Isabela Lima Wiedemann
Topic 1: Founding an Empire
It is the summer of 1864, and after the War of Reform, a bloody French invasion, and negotiations with Napoleon III, Maximillian has been crowned Emperor of Mexico. But a crown on his head has done nothing to assuage the ongoing political crisis, as liberal republican guerillas continue to resist in the countryside and the arch-conservatives who propelled Maximilian to the throne grow wary of his liberal tendencies. The Catholic Church, defeated liberals, and other interest groups vie for power and influence over the weak new government, which seems unlikely to provide any sort of long-term stability in its current form. Delegates will represent a broad range of political and ideological backgrounds, and are tasked with developing a compromising constitution to create a stable form of government and put an end to civil war in Mexico. Maximilian’s Empire hangs in the balance.
Topic 2: Combatting Foreign Interference
The Second Mexican Empire came to exist as a result of France’s 1862 invasion to collect on debts incurred during the War of Reform. Closer to home, the United States, although currently distracted by their own Civil War, have not hesitated to intervene in Mexico and express their own imperial ambitions. They will surely turn their attention to Napoleon II’s violation of the Monroe Doctrine as soon as peace returns at home. Delegates will face threats of external intervention throughout this committee, and must develop alliances and a clear foreign policy toward both American and European interference and influence. Delegates can forge treaties, alliances, and even write foreign policy doctrines into their new Constitution. Every decision made in committee may provoke the wrath of powerful foreign actors, forcing them to confront mounting opposition as they fight to preserve Mexican sovereignty.
Director: Savan Parikh
Assistant Directors: Abraham Santiago Bañuelos Ávalos, Ana Carolina Carvalho, & Humberto A. Segura Ortiz
Topic 1: Balancing Imperialism and Independence
It’s April 1961. A few days ago, a group of 1,500 CIA-backed Cuban exiles arrived at the Bay of Pigs in hopes of overthrowing Fidel Castro’s socialist government. In the wake of the failed invasion, Cold War tensions are rippling through Latin America. U.S. policymakers, embarrassed by their defeat, seem hellbent on doubling down covert operations to undermine communism in the Western Hemisphere. Meanwhile, the U.S.S.R has extended a friendly hand, seeing an opportunity to expand its influence and challenge U.S. sovereignty. Latin America finds itself caught in a geopolitical tug-of-war, with Cuba and its neighbors navigating the fallout of revolution and superpower intervention. Delegates must address the consequences of the invasion, the spread of revolutionary socialist and communist ideology, and the growing militarization of the region. Can Cuba and the rest of Latin America forge a path of unity and sovereignty, or will it remain a battleground for competing global powers?
Topic 2: Addressing Internal Tensions
Within Cuba, the post-invasion period presents a new set of challenges. Fidel Castro’s regime faces the daunting task of maintaining public support while responding to emboldened dissidents, economic instability exacerbated by U.S. trade embargoes, and the pressure of increasing dependence on Soviet aid. Guerilla fighters hiding in the Escambray mountains promise an insurgence, while ideological divisions emerge in the government halls of Havana between those favoring rapid industrialization and those advocating a focus on agricultural reforms. Delegates must balance the need for internal cohesion, economic recovery, and national security with the Socialist idealism that brought them to power. Will the revolutionary dreams of Castro and his Cuban Revolution solidify its grip on the island, or will internal divisions unravel his vision for a socialist future?
Director: Matheus Nucci Mascarenhas
Assistant Directors: Lucas Araujo Faro Correa & Ysadora Monteiro de Araujo Azevedo
Topic 1: Restoring National Security: Capturing PCC Leaders and Reestablishing Order
Topic 1: Restoring National Security: Capturing PCC Leaders and Reestablishing Order
The Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), South America's most powerful criminal organization, has evolved from a prison gang into a transnational drug empire. Controlling trafficking routes across Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and even Colombia, the PCC dominates multiple drug and weapons trade networks, posing a severe threat to regional stability.
In May 2025, the PCC executes a mass prison break from Presidente Venceslau Penitentiary, freeing its notorious former leader, Marcola, along with several top operatives. The Brazilian government is caught unprepared as violence erupts in major cities, stretching law enforcement beyond its limits. With his approval ratings plummeting, President Lula sees no alternative but to authorize the creation of a multilateral Emergency Committee on the Drug Crisis (ExComm) to contain the chaos.
The ExComm faces a crucial question: should it adopt hardline measures, risking civil liberties, or pursue a more balanced approach? The success of ExComm will determine Brazil’s ability to dismantle the PCC’s stranglehold on the country.
Topic 2: Weakening Criminal Organizations Through Long-Term Socioeconomic Reform
The rise of the PCC is not merely a security failure but a symptom of deep-rooted socioeconomic disparities in Brazil. Criminal organizations flourish where state institutions falter. Where poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to education and public services persist, marginalized communities become vulnerable to gang influence. Decades of policy neglect have created fertile ground for organized crime, turning favelas into recruitment hubs and ensuring that violence remains cyclical.
The ExComm must not only neutralize the PCC’s immediate threat but also address the structural conditions that enable its existence. This requires a long-term strategy focused on economic opportunity, social investment, and institutional reform. Which economic policies, educational initiatives, and prison regulations should the ExComm enact? Should the government seek international cooperation and funding for large-scale social programs?
The members of the ExComm hold Brazil’s future in their hands; the fight against organized crime relies on their decisions.